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Need Health coverage?

We are here to help!

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Is a way to find coverage that fits your budgets and meets your needs. There are many different types of health plans that offer various levels of coverage, network and price. At no cost to you we  can help enrolling you in health plan trough the market place.

Better health, better life.


The more you know about your insurance health plan, the more comfortable you will be with your health care provider, and also more informed you'll become.


If you already have a doctor or hospital you prefer, you will want to make sure those are included in the health plan’s provider network. If you go to an out-of-network doctor, you may have to pay for care services out of your pocket, this is why finding a health plan with a network of doctors and hospitals in your area is also important to consider before you make your decision


If you make your decision solely based on the monthly premium cost, you may be surprised to learn that a lower-cost health plan may not include the benefits you need.

Price is an important factor to use as you shop for a health plan. Before you sign up for a health plan, read the fine print to make sure you will have the level of coverage you expect, and then make the choice that’s right for you.


Health plans on the Health Insurance Marketplace include coverage of the 10 essential benefits. These include: maternity and newborn care services, doctor visits for preventive and wellness care, mental health and substance abuse services, emergency services, hospitalization, prescription medications, outpatient services, various therapy services, laboratory services and pediatric care.

We also provide Dental & Vision


Is your family PROTECTEC?

Are you aware of the financial risks your family could face without you? Life insurance is more than just a piece of paper; it's a commitment to safeguard your family when you're gone. Even if you have savings, it's unlikely that it would be enough to cover your family's expenses for several years or even decades if something happens to you unexpectedly.

There are numerous benefits of buying life insurance for you to consider. Depending on your financial goals and needs, buying life insurance coverage could be an essential part of helping to protect the financial security of your loved ones. To receive more information on how to buy life insurance that's right for you, consider speaking with a life insurance agent or financial professional.

Types of Life Insurance we Offer

The Health Benefits of Drinking Tea Daily 

Term Life

We  offer the choice of several flexible term life insurance policies. Our term life policies offer term periods ranging from 10 to 30 years separated by five-year increments and can provide your family with financial protection anywhere from $25,000 up to $10 million (and above based upon individual consideration).


Whole Life

Whole life insurance provides permanent protection for life as long as premiums are paid. In addition to a guaranteed cash value you can access through a loan, your loved ones are guaranteed to receive a death benefit.

Final expense insurance

Losing a loved one is an extremely difficult experience. Picking up the pieces while dealing with the accompanying emotions can be stressful. And making matters worse is the financial burden out-of-pocket expenses can impose at the end of life. They average $11,618.1


Without a final expense life insurance policy, families may have a hard time coming up with these funds quickly. Final expense life insurance can help prevent families from having to withdraw from their savings or sell precious assets to come up with the necessary funds required to bury a loved one.

Index Universal

Index universal life insurance can help protect your family’s standard of living or help fund your child’s education in the event of the death of the insured. The policy also offers options to change death benefit amounts or adjust premium payments within certain limitations.


An annuity allows a customer to deposit money (premiums) with an insurance company that can earn interest and grow on a tax-deferred basis with the agreement that the insurance company will then provide a series of payments back to the customer at regular intervals.

People typically purchase annuities to provide or supplement retirement income they will receive from Social Security, pension benefits, investments and other sources. You can convert your annuity into a stream of income that can then be paid over a fixed period or for your lifetime. You can take withdrawals of varying amounts when you need the income.



I can help you find the Medicare plan that's right for you!

Let 's us help take the stress out of choosing or changing a Medicare plan. call us Today!

Find out what's covered  On Original Medicare vs Medicare Advantage Plans


When to sign up for Medicare

Most people can sign up for Medicare three months before their 65th birthday. Once you become eligible to sign up for Medicare, you have 7 months (known as your Initial Enrollment Period) to enroll. If you fail to enroll in Medicare during your Initial Enrollment Period, you could end up paying more for your healthcare, unless you qualify for special enrollment.

If you’re new to Medicare

If you’re new to Medicare and would like to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, you can do so anytime during your Medicare Initial Enrollment Period. Your Initial Enrollment Period begins 3 months before your 65th birthday, includes your birthday month and ends 3 months after your 65th birthday.

If you do not enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan during your initial enrollment period, you will have another chance to enroll during the Medicare Fall Open Enrollment Period, which runs from October 15 to December 7 each year.

For more information call to speak with an Agent 

Medicare Advantage could save you money

Medicare Advantage plans provide at least the same benefits as Medicare Part A and Part B, but may offer additional benefits that they do not, such as:

  • Prescription drug coverage

  • Dental coverage

  • Vision coverage

  • Wellness programs

You must enroll in Medicare Part A and Part B before you can enroll in Medicare Advantage. You must live in the plan’s service area, and you generally may not have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).

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